How Often Do Professionals in “Lawn Care Near Me” Need to Perform Lawn Aeration in the Brentwood, TN, Area?

If you live in the Brentwood, TN, area and are wondering, “where can I find lawn care near me?” then a quick Google search will bring up a long list of lawn care providers that you can contact. You may also be wondering how often lawn aeration needs to be done, and the answer depends on the specific situation. It helps to have an understanding of how aeration works. Whatever you do, make sure to choose a reputable lawn care company that you can depend on for their services.

Related: Maintain a Long-Lasting Expanse of Grass With Lawn Aeration in the Smyrna, TN, Area

What Is Lawn Aeration?

The lawn aeration process involves plugs of grass and soil being removed from the ground. Lawn aeration is performed because it helps reduce soil compaction, allowing water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the root system. This can help improve the overall health of your lawn, resulting in beautiful and lush grass.

How Do You Know If Your Lawn Needs to be Aerated?

If your lawn needs to be aerated, you may notice that the soil is very hard to the touch, or it may feel very spongy. When the soil is compacted, it does not allow water to soak in, so you may notice puddles appearing on your lawn rather than being absorbed into the soil.

When your lawn’s root system is not healthy, you will begin to see signs such as brown patches of grass. Your lawn may also be more susceptible to disease and insect infestations. You may notice the grass becoming very thin and withering away, and otherwise becoming unsightly.

When Is the Best Time to Have the Lawn Aerated?

Many lawn care professionals recommend having your lawn aerated at the peak of the growing season so that your lawn’s root system can quickly establish its health. For example, a lawn is generally not aerated during a drought as it could be detrimental to the health of the lawn if it does not receive ample water or if the lawn is stressed.

Some of the best times to have your lawn aerated are often in the early spring or fall, allowing time for your lawn to recover. It can also be helpful to have your lawn fertilized and watered after being aerated.

Since grass requires nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to thrive, a fertilization treatment soon after aeration will allow the nutrients to absorb into the soil and feed the root system. If your lawn has been starving for nutrients, you may notice a big change in the appearance of your lawn, transforming from a patchy brown lawn to a vibrant, lush, green lawn.

How Often Should the Lawn Be Aerated?

How often your lawn should be aerated depends on a few factors. For example, if your lawn has heavy traffic, it may need to be aerated every year as it could become compacted sooner than the average lawn. Most healthy lawns with normal traffic are generally aerated every two to three years, but it depends on the specific conditions and the symptoms your lawn is displaying.

Related: Let Your Lawn Breathe With Professional Lawn Aeration in the Hendersonville, TN, Area

About the Author

For over 30 years, our locally operated business has provided comprehensive premium care to lawns in the greater Nashville area. Utilizing high-quality turf, top-of-the-line application equipment, and golf course–grade materials, our technicians bring playing and gathering spaces back to life.


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