Does Fertilizer Prevent Weeds in the Nolensville and Hendersonville, TN, Areas?

Does Fertilizer Prevent Weeds in Hendersonville, TN, Areas?

If you are considering hiring a lawn care company for fertilizer services, you may be wondering if you need to include weed control in the services or if the fertilizer alone will be enough. It’s a good idea to include both services in the lawn care plan for your landscape in the Nolensville or Hendersonville, TN, area for a variety of reasons.

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How Lawn Fertilizer Works

While fertilizer does not prevent weeds from growing, it can certainly help. Knowing how fertilizer works will help you understand how it can contribute to preventing weeds. Grass requires three essential nutrients to grow and thrive: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

When you have a fertilizer service, these nutrients will often be applied to your lawn in different ratios throughout the seasons and based on the conditions of your lawn. Lawn care professionals can analyze your lawn to determine which nutrients it’s lacking and formulate your fertilizer application accordingly.

When a lawn has what it needs to thrive, it is more resistant to weed growth. Since seeds from weeds blow in the wind, they can end up on your lawn. It is virtually impossible to 100% eliminate the possibility of weeds growing on your lawn, but maintaining a healthy and lush lawn will help because it will have a strong root system, and the weeds won’t be able to overtake the lawn as easily.

A Perfect Combination: Fertilizer and Weed Control

Many lawn care companies will recommend having fertilizer and weed control services included in a lawn care plan. Pre-emergent weed control services can help prevent weeds from growing by killing them before they are established. Once weeds have taken root and are growing, a post-emergent weed killer will be needed.

With fertilizer to help keep the lawn healthy and strong, pre-emergent weed control to prevent weeds from taking root, and post-emergent weed killer to eliminate any weeds that do happen to pop up on your lawn, you can enjoy a virtually weed-free lawn. It is often the perfect combination that leads to a lush green lawn.

Additional Services to Consider

Since all living things need water to survive, you may want to consider having an irrigation system professionally installed on your property. With an irrigation system, you are not dependent on Mother Nature to provide the necessary hydration for your lawn to thrive.

A smart irrigation system makes the watering process even easier. Smart irrigation systems have sensors that detect the amount of moisture in the soil and only water the lawn when it’s needed. While you may think an irrigation system is a waste of water, the truth is that they often help conserve water—especially when it’s a smart irrigation system that only runs when necessary.

Irrigation systems can be programmed to run on a schedule or according to your lawn’s needs. They will also target the areas of your landscape that actually need watering. So instead of watering an entire section of your landscape, you can have the watering targeted to specific plantings, which helps eliminate weed growth since you are not watering bare areas of ground where weeds can easily take root.

Related: The Reasons Why Fertilization of Your Lawn Is So Important in Smyrna and Hendersonville, TN

About the Author

For over 30 years, our locally operated business has provided comprehensive premium care to lawns in the greater Nashville area. Utilizing high-quality turf, top-of-the-line application equipment, and golf course–grade materials, our technicians bring playing and gathering spaces back to life.


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