The Art of Fertilizer: Tips for Effective Fertilization in Your Hendersonville, TN Lawn

The Art of Fertilizer: Tips for Effective Fertilization in Your Hendersonville, TN Lawn

The most effective fertilization methods for your Hendersonville, TN Lawn can produce a lush, healthy stand of grass that adds beauty and bold grassy areas to your landscape. Fertilizer is food for your grass plants that can boost their health and bring out new growth to keep the lawn thick and attractive. These tips for fertilization practices can give you the lawn you want in every season.

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Fertilizer Components

Fertilizer contains essential nutrients that can feed grass plants what the soil cannot. It has micronutrients and macronutrients to ensure good health.

The most used nutrients are macronutrients of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, also known as the Big 3. The grass uses a higher percentage of nitrogen than other nutrients.

Nitrogen is essential to plant formation and growth. Grass uses more nitrogen in its growth phase of late spring through middle summer. Since all cells are formed from protein and grass growth is tied to cells, nitrogen is crucial for continuous growth in the warm months.

Potassium strengthens grass plants by helping them resist diseases. This nutrient protects the plants from extreme heat and cold through strong root systems. Potassium also prevents wilting of the plants.

Phosphorus aids the grass as it produces and stores energy through photosynthesis. This nutrient also helps grass grow normally.

When to Fertilize

The timing of fertilizer can be important. Too much fertilizer in the heat of summer when the ground is dry can burn the grass while too little fertilizer can produce no change.

A landscape professional will apply fertilizer geared toward your grass type in the early spring when the grass is beginning to grow after the winter cold. Another summer application can provide food for your lawn in the heat of the season when the grass might be struggling with hot, dry conditions.

An application in the early fall, when they aerate the soil to plant new grass seeds, can give the lawn a final boost of growth when the air temperatures cool off. The grass seeds need food as they germinate and grow, too.

Just before the weather turns cold, the lawn team can make one more application of fertilizer so the grass can store food for winter dormancy.

Irrigation and Fertilizer

Most fertilizers are slow-release, meaning that they feed the lawn slowly over time to prevent fertilizer burns. Slow feeding of the nutrients can make them available when the lawn is growing so the grass plants can utilize the nutrients most efficiently.

Closely tied to fertilization is irrigation and the need for the grass to have regular watering to boost the health of the plants. This can be particularly true in the summer when the weather conditions are hot and dry, creating stress for the grass.

A lawn care team can assess the hydration levels of every part of the landscape to ensure they are ideal for the space. Shady areas don’t need as much water as sunny spaces so targeted watering can make the best use of the nutrients for the grass.

Fertilizer, grass, and irrigation are a trio that can work together to deliver high-quality grass plants that bring a boost of healthy green to the landscape appearance. When you want the most appealing lawn, a lawn care team can feed it with the right fertilizer ratio for optimal beauty.

Related: A Go-To Guide for Finding Exceptional Lawn Care Near Me in the Brentwood and Hendersonville, TN Areas

About the Author

For over 30 years, our locally operated business has provided comprehensive premium care to lawns in the greater Nashville area. Utilizing high-quality turf, top-of-the-line application equipment, and golf course–grade materials, our technicians bring playing and gathering spaces back to life.


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