Invest in Your Lawn's Long-Term Health With Dependable Fertilization Services in the Hendersonville and Brentwood, TN Areas

Invest in Your Lawn's Long-Term Health With Dependable Fertilization Services in the Hendersonville and Brentwood, TN Areas

You might be wondering why your Hendersonville and Brentwood, TN Areas lawn isn’t thriving as it should. Investing in the long-term health of your grass can look like getting on a regular fertilization schedule. Feeding your lawn and landscape plants can have many benefits. 

Is your grass struggling? 

Unless you are a lawn care pro, the applications and treatments that boost lawn health can be confusing. Added to the various ways you should care for your grass is the schedule of treatments that prevent pests, diseases, and weeds. 

If you are wondering why your neighbor’s lawn looks so green and healthy, the answer could be dependable fertilizer services. You can stop comparing your grass to other lawns and enjoy your outdoor spaces more with a healthy lawn. 

Fertilizer Benefits 

Grass that needs more nutrition can be patchy, brown, and lackluster. This is where fertilizer applications can ensure your lawn gets the food it needs to remain strong and thick, crowding out weeds and repelling pests. 

Fertilizer is composed of three primary nutrients that give the grass plants the food they need to withstand the hot days of summer and the freezing temperatures of winter. Most landscape and lawn care pros will tell you that the best prevention for grass problems is a healthy lawn. 

Fertilizer Components 

Fertilizer comes in small pellets that have three macronutrients your lawn needs. Nitrogen is the nutrient the grass utilizes the most since it is responsible for healthy plant development. When your lawn is ready for aeration and new grass seeds in the fall, they spread fertilizer to help the newly germinated grass grow well. 

The second nutrient that fertilizer delivers is potassium which is responsible for preventing diseases in the lawn by improving the grass quality. Remember, the healthiest lawns can repel issues best. Potassium strengthens the root system of the grass plants so they can handle the heat and cold without wilting and dying. 

The third component of fertilizer is phosphorus which helps with photosynthesis. Think back to high school chemistry when you learned that plants make their own food through the photosynthesis process and that is what phosphorus does for grass plants—gives them nutrients to make and store food. 

How Premium Lawn Care Can Help 

Taking a proactive approach to weed and pest control can give your lawn the best outcome. Premium lawn care focuses on delivering what your grass needs at proper intervals to prepare the grass for the next growth season. 

Their visits seven times a year are targeted at reducing or eliminating the problems that can mar your lawn’s health and appearance. Early spring granular fertilizer stops fungal issues while late fall fertilizer provides the grass plants with nutrients to store before winter. 

In between, their team visits and assesses the lawn for weeds and pests, treating each as necessary. 

Healthy Lawn Advantages  

Professional lawn care can take the headache and stress of ensuring your grass is flourishing so you can head outside for a family barbeque and football on the lawn. Premium lawn services can convince you that the right lawn care increases the curb appeal and delight you feel when the grass is thriving. This lawn investment can take your grass from ordinary to amazing. 

About the Author

For over 30 years, our locally operated business has provided comprehensive premium care to lawns in the greater Nashville area. Utilizing high-quality turf, top-of-the-line application equipment, and golf course–grade materials, our technicians bring playing and gathering spaces back to life.


Achieve an Exceptional Lawn With Professional Lawn Care Near Me in the Brentwood and Hendersonville, TN Areas


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