How Companies With Lawn Care Near Me Help With Lawn Aeration Solutions in the Hendersonville, TN Area

How Companies With Lawn Care Near Me Help With Lawn Aeration Solutions in the Hendersonville, TN Area

Replenishing and rejuvenating the lawn can be crucial to the health, growth, and beauty of your Hendersonville, TN Area landscape. When “searching for lawn care near me”, look for aeration services that can accomplish that and more through specialized applications and expert procedures. Here are the ways professional lawn care revitalizes all the outdoor areas.

Aeration Benefits

The aeration process is an excellent way to improve the thickness and appearance of your lawn, providing nutrients, new growth, and moisture to refresh the grass after the hot summer season. The benefits are numerous, especially when a professional lawn care service performs aeration each fall.

Reduced Compaction

Running feet and pets can cause the soil beneath the grass to press tightly together, preventing water, light, and air from reaching the roots of the grass. An aerator machine pulls small plugs of soil from the surface, creating a way for these essentials to reach the roots. Once the soil is more porous from the small holes aeration makes in the surface, the roots have a better chance of accessing what they need to strengthen before winter.

Improved Lawn Health

When the roots of the grass are able to get what they need from the soil, they can be healthier and stronger which is crucial to the best lawn health. A healthy lawn can withstand pests, diseases, and seasonal stress much better than a struggling lawn.

Deeper Root Growth

Deeper roots also contribute to thriving lawns. The combination of air and water boost the roots, causing them to grow deeper into the ground where they can provide what the grass plants need to withstand problems that could cause poor grass to fail.

Fertilizer Boost

While nutrients from the right fertilizer for your particular grass are always essential, they might be more important in the fall when the ground is still warm but the air temperatures have cooled, creating the ideal environment for new grass growth. After aeration is the time for a lawn service to spread new grass seeds and fertilizer that feeds all the grass. The new seeds have time to germinate and grow roots while the existing grass absorbs the nutrients to be refreshed after the long, hot summer.

Lawn Seeding and Restoration

Fall is the time to have the bare lawn areas overseeded to restore the areas that are struggling. If the lawn had some diseased areas or was stressed from pests, lawn seeding can fill in the bare spots while rejuvenating the areas of stress. Combined with fertilizer, this process can often remedy lawn issues and return the grass to its thick, green glory.

Landscapes with heavy compaction might need to be power-raked, removing the thick layer of thatch and compacted soil that is preventing air, water, and nutrients from reaching the roots.


The third part of a lawn care solution is irrigation, regularly watering the new grass seeds and existing lawn to filter the fertilizer nutrients to the roots where they can absorb food for the grass plants. Professional lawn care teams are masters at ensuring the watering zones are targeted and delivering the ideal water amounts so the grass flourishes after aeration. Sunlight, water, food, and oxygen can then do their job to deliver the greenest, healthiest lawn on the block.

About the Author

For over 30 years, our locally operated business has provided comprehensive premium care to lawns in the greater Nashville area. Utilizing high-quality turf, top-of-the-line application equipment, and golf course–grade materials, our technicians bring playing and gathering spaces back to life.


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